2017年2月25日 Update

For Healthy Skin! Wearing No Makeup Pros and Cons

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How often do you wear makeup?

If you feel that you have to wear makeup everyday for some reason, you might need to understand how wearing makeup can affect you physically, emotionally, and economically.
Wearing no makeup is not a scary thing. You shouldn’t be scared of it.
Here are the pros and cons of wearing no makeup.

Pros: Better for skin

Your makeup products are clogging your pores. Even if you are careful about ingredients, you put some type of chemicals on your face by wearing makeup. Wearing no makeup means you set your skin free from the external stress the makeup products can add.

Pros: Love your natural self

If you think you cannot go out without makeup on, you are probably not confident about how you look. No body is perfect. Wearing makeup will help you love yourself more.

Pros: Save time and money

If you need so much time to get ready in the morning, don’t you think you are wasting you time? Sleeping longer instead of putting so much time and energy to wear makeup is much better for you skin. Also, if you are spending a lot of money on makeup products all the time, wearing no makeup will save you dollars for something really fun.

Cons: Look paler in photos

Let’s say you don’t mind wearing no makeup usually, but you regret when you look at your pictures. This could be one of the cons of no makeup. You could look paler in the photos.

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