2016年12月2日 Update

Health Benefit of Mulled Wine! Perfect for Winter Season!

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What is mulled wine?


Mulled wine not only warms your soul on the coldest of days with its perfect balance of spiced flavor, but it will warm your body too. Plus, it’s wine. If mulled wine is not part of your winter cocktail repertoire, we have just the recipes you need to get you started.

Called in different names


Just in case you’re wondering, mulled wine, which really means “to heat up and add spices” is called different names depending on the country. It was called “Negus” in Victorian English, “Glog” in Sweden, “Glogi” in Finland, “Gluhwein” in Germany and “Sangria” in Spain and later in Chile and Brazil. Non-alcoholic versions are referred to as mulled cider or “wassail”.

Prevent heart disease


Several reports in 2000 confirmed that wine reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Red wine is a great source of antioxidants, which increases levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and gets rid of the bad stuff, which can significantly prevent heart disease and clogged arteries.

Anti aging


A high concentration of resveratrol helps fight against the damaging of free radicals in skin that play a role in aging, keeping you looking younger!

Strengthen Bones


Drinking red wine in moderation can also reduce one’s risk of osteoporosis by increasing bone density. This was found by a study recently conducted on both men and women, showing that those who drank between 1 and 3 glasses a day had greater bone density than non-drinkers or heavy drinkers.
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