2017年3月25日 Update

Hemp Seeds are The Most Nutritious Seed In The World

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Hemp Seeds are a gift from nature to us

Have you ever eaten hemp seeds with your meal?
Hemp seeds are the most nutritious seeds in the world. They contain a lot of proteins, essential fats, iron, magnesium and rich vitamins.
Therefore, Hemp seeds are the best perfect foods from nature.
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How do Hemp Seeds work?

Do you know how much nutrition one tiny seed can contain?
Hemp seeds are called a superfood in the world benefits of weight loss, increase energy, improve the immune system, reduce inflammation of disease, control of blood pressure and cholesterol.
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Benefits of Hemp Seeds

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Reduce symptoms of PMS and Menopause

Many women in the world suffer from PMS which caused by premenstrual syndrome. They can't control physical or emotional symptoms. Some study found eating Hemp Seeds even a bit decrease these symptoms.
Crazy PMS Emotions : theBERRY (17581)

Reduce the risk of heart disease

Eating hemp seeds reduce the risk of heart disease.
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Hemp seeds contain high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which is used to produce nitric oxide in the body.

Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that makes the blood vessels dilate and relax, leading to lowered blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease
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