2017年5月9日 Update

Coconut water is the good source of several nutrients

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Do you drink coconut water?

I love coconut water, especially the real one. Sometimes, when I eat cereals, use coconut water and yogurt, not milk. Coconut water is produced naturally in the fruit and contains 94% water and very little fat.
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What benefits of coconut water?

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Weight loss

If you like drinking sweet juice, such as orange juice and grape juice, you should drink coconut water as an alternative. The fat content in coconut water is extremely low, and the taste is good.
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Control blood pressure

Some study has shown drinking Coconut water reduces high blood pressure. Moreover, Coconut water contains potassium works to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
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Super hydration

Coconut water is more hydrating than H2O

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According to some, coconut water is the latest miracle drink. It's gained a reputation recently as the go-to beverage after a workout. In fact, word is that it's better for rehydrating you than standard-issue H2O. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? We spoke to Andrea Giancoli, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietitics, to take a deeper look at naturally sweet drink.
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