Hand Lotion Is Not Enough!? How to Keep Your Hands Soft and Moisturized


Your hands are still dry even though you use hand cream frequently?

There might be other reasons why your hands are so dry.
Here are some tips to keep your hands moisturized all the time.

Natural soap

Usual soap has so much chemicals, and make your hands dry after washing. To avoid this problem, you want to go for natural soap with a vegetable glycerin base. Or liquid castile soap works well, too.
Before buying soap, check the ingredients.

Use oils

Instead of using hand lotion or cream, try actual oils. The oils recommended are olive, jojoba, coconut, grape seed, and sweet almond.


Preventing the dryness is important. When you do dishes, or cleaning kitchen and bathroom, don’t forget to wear gloves. Protect your hands from damages.


Like you exfoliate your face, exfoliate your hands, too. Sugar and olive oil will be a perfect scrub for hands.Don’t forget to moisturize after exfoliating.

Overnight Treatment

Here is an easy overnight treatment using Vaseline and socks.

After finishing all your activities for the day, wrap up by washing your hands with a gentle soap and drying them off. Then get a dollop of Vaseline and rub it into your hands. Go ahead and take an extra 30 seconds to massage your hands gently. Then simply slip the socks over your hands and go to bed. Wake up the next day to supple, soft hands.
Instead of using socks, you could using fabric gloves, but a clean pair of old socks you don’t use anymore work just fine—and don't require a trip to the store.

Drink water

Hydration is very important. You need to moisturize your self from inside, too.