How Can We Breathe Correctly? Health Benefits of Correct Breathing


Pay attention to the way you breathe

We are breathing about 20,000 times a day. But the most important thing is how to breathe properly.
Breathing properly can reduce your stress, get rid of illness and improve your immune system.

Do you know why correct breathing is important?

We need to breathe with the right amount of oxygen. If you are not breathing correctly, your skin is easy to aging, and your body can tire easily.

How can we breathe correctly?

When you breathe properly, you have to pay attention your diaphragm, and you must use not only lung but also diaphragm.
When you breathe in and out, to make sure to use your diaphragm, your hand tries to put on your stomach. So you can find you use the diaphragm or not.

What benefits are there breathing correctly?

Lowers your heart rate
Lowers blood pressure and cardiac output
Increases blood oxygen levels
Promotes clearer thinking
Relieves stress
Increases metabolism
Improves circulation
Supports detoxification

An exercise to improve breathing technique

Counting how many times you breathe each minute

Usually, people breathe anywhere from 15 to 25 times a minute. But actually, the best breath are 5 times a minute. You should exercise to breathe as long as deeply.

Breathe through your nose

Breathe through the nose as much as possible. The nose pre-warms, moistens, and filters the air before it reaches the lungs.