☆4 Super-Simple All Natural Skincare & Beauty Tips☆


Simple Skincare With Happy Life!!

How many times do you wash your face for a day?

1.You must wash your fave just once a day at night!!

I wash my face just once a day, every evening. I either use my DIY All-Natural Clarifying & Toning Foaming Facewash or a simpler wash I make with 50% tea tree castile soap and 50% manuka honey. I’ve also recently started using Beautycounter’s Charcoal Cleansing bar which is great for purifying pores.

2. Using Simple Face Mask once or twice a week

Raw honey is naturally anti-bacterial and a super quick way to get soft, beautiful skin. Once a week use a tablespoon or so of raw honey (not the processed stuff parading as honey) and gently warm it by rubbing your fingertips together. Spread on your face. Leave on for 5 – 10 minutes and then use warm water to gently rinse it off and pat dry. Then bask in the glow of your honey-awesomeness. This raw honey is awesome, by the way.

Oh goodness, do I love a good face mask. I apply a mask about twice a week, always after washing and exfoliating. When I’m lazy or if my skin is dry/irritated, I’ll just slather on some manuka honey, but I try to apply either the DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask or DIY All-Natural Deep Clean Green Face Mask once a week as they are really good at actually pulling the gunk out of pores. I also recently purchased Juice Beauty’s Green Apple Peel and know it’s sure to be another staple in my skincare routine. It acts as both an exfoliant and face mask in 1 so would be great for all the non-DIYers and minimalists out there.

3. All Natural Black Head Removal

Place 4 or 5 drops of raw honey on an open lemon wedge. Then rub the lemon on your face for a minute, emphasizing any trouble areas. Leave the mixture on for 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. (Keep in mind that citrus can make your skin photosensitive so it’s best to do this before bed rather than before going outside).

4. Elbow and Knee Exfoliate and Skin Brightener

Cut an orange in half and rub it on your elbows and knees. Helps soften those rough patches. And it smells good. (Rinse off the sticky mess when you are done.)