Let's fight against hay fever!! Here is a natural way to relieve your allergies


Do you suffer from heavy hay fever?

Do you suffer from seasonal hay fever?
If you say "YES" you should do below's a natural way to relieve your allergies.

Reducing to drink coffee

If you drink coffee every day, try to reduce every second or three days.
If you drink many cups of coffee a day, try to cut a cup of coffee a day.
Lots of caffeine can trigger histamine release.

Stop to eat sugary snacks

Sugar can trigger a blood sugar spike.
If you like sweet snacks, you should eat dried fruit, fresh fruits, and natural honey instead of refined sugar.

Don't eat plants in the sunflower family

If ragweed triggers your symptoms, avoid its edible relatives as well: tarragon, artichokes, endive, and chamomile tea.

Eat garlic

Eating garlic help boost your body's immune system. It also garlic has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Eat salmon and herring

Some reports suggest that eating omega-3 fatty acids can help soothe allergy symptoms; salmon and herring are excellent sources.