6 Easy Lazy Ways to Burn More Calories

Wish you could burn more calories while being lazy? Here are 6 easy ways to do that!


Want to burn more calories while being lazy?

Yup! Here are 6 ways to make the dream come true!

Chew gum

Studies show that chewing gum can help curb people’s cravings and instincts to snack, which can cut calories by up to 10%.

Tap Your Toe

Fidget throughout the day and you could burn an extra 200 calories before dinnertime. Researchers say people who fidget burn 350 calories a day more than non-fidgeters.

Drink warm tea

Tea is the closest thing we currently have to magic weight loss elixir. Rich in health-promoting compounds called catechins, regularly sipping the beverage can fry stubborn belly fat and even fight off disease. But if you want to reap the better-body benefits, zap your cuppa in the microwave.

Use a balance ball as a chair or a footrest

if you want to burn calories while you’re sitting down , try a stability ball instead. They help exercise your core muscles while you would normally be sitting like a vegetable.

Stability balls can help you burn up to 250 calories extra than you would have burned otherwise

Warmer temperature

This one is surprising, but true – lower temperatures mean your body burning more calories.
This is because when the temperature is lower, your body has to burn more calories to keep itself warm.
The ideal temperature for burning calories is 64 degrees.

Sleep More

Getting fewer than four hours of sleep over an extended period of time slows the metabolism. Experts recommend aiming for between seven and nine.

Let's be lazy and burn some calories!