2017年4月14日 Update

"Miracle Tree" Moringa!! Benefits of Moringa

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Do you know "Moringa" ?

Moringa is known as the miracle tree. Every part of the tree of Moringa - leaves, fruits, pod, seeds, sap, oil, flowers, bark and roots has used as medicine and supplements.
Organic Moringa Leaf Powder - Moringa Farms (18116)

Benefits for Moringa Leaves

Moringa leaves contain a rich source of many nutrients that vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E.
They can be eaten in many ways like oils, powder, pills, liquid, tea, soup, etc.
Therefore, you can intake "Moringa" in several foods you eat.
Health Benefits of Moringa Leaves - Talking about Moringa leaves, probably you thought about black magic because moringa leaf is often used to repe… | Pinteres… (18124)

Amino acids

Moringa leaf contains 18 amino acids which help our body to establish properly.
It also contains iron, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties which help in quick healing of injuries.
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Benefits for Moringa Seeds

Moringa seeds are used in the manufacture of perfumes and aromatherapy oils. The flowers of moringa are used in making herbal tea which contains flavonoids and antioxidants.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (18129)

What does Moringa Tea taste like?

If you drink Moringa Tea, you can taste like spinach or matcha green tea. It's quite tasty and good match for some meals.
Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (18132)

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