Love Skinny Jeans? Here Are the Things You Need to Know About Wearing Tight Clothes.


Skinny Jeans make you look better, but are they confortable?

If you have comfortable clothes that make you look great, that is a wonderful thing..
However, if you are squeezing your body into tight clothes, you might be hurting yourself.
Know what it means to wear tight and uncomfortable clothes.

They can be painful

Think about wearing pants with a tight waist, or tight bras.
It will be very tiring throughout a day.
Simply, tight things can hurt you.

Squeezing abdomen

If you often have heart burns and pains in stomach, you don't want to wear tight clothes for long time. Tight clothes give a pressure and affect inside the body.

Nerve problems

Tight pants can affect nerves on legs, which leads to numb or burning feelings.

Tight clothes doesn't change how we look

We tend to think that tight clothes will make us look better, but they don't have special effect of changing our body shape. If you want to change you body shape, you need to workout and change it physically.

Poor blood circulation

Since tight clothes can prevent the smooth blood flaw, some people faint because of tight clothes. Or If you tend to have cold feet, tight pants can be the reason for that.

Back pain

Tight clothes can restrict hip movements. If you cannot move you hip joints properly, it leads to back pains.

Understand pros and cons before enjoy fashion!