How To Remove Glitter From Your Clothing and Furnishings Using Fabric Glue


Have you ever used Fabric Glue when you want to remove glitter from your clothing?

The best way to use fabric glue before you sprinkle on your clothes.

1. Use fabric glue to fix the glitter in place

You can sprinkle glitter onto fabric glue to stick it to the garment, and you can coat the glitter in turn with a water-and-fabric-glue mixture to give the glitter a protective outer layer. Glitter often flakes off when it brushes against things – so a coating of glue can help freeze the individual particles.

2. Make a glue-and-water mixture

First, dilute the fabric glue a little by adding water. There is no set proportion – but dilute it enough that it is easy to apply with a paintbrush. The mixture should be neither too pasty nor too thin.

3. Brush the mixture onto the glitter

Put a newspaper at the back of the fabric on which you want to work. Use a synthetic painting brush to spread, drip, or dab the glue onto the glitter areas. Take care that the glitter doesn't come off. Cover all of the glitter area with this water-and-fabric-glue mixture.

4. Let the glue dry for 24 hours

Lay out the garment in a dry, warm, and airy spot. Make sure that there aren't any wrinkles in the fabric, or else the glue may preserve these wrinkles for the ages. Once the glue-water coating is dry, your clothing should be ready to wear.

Try to use fabric glue when you want to remove glitter !