Brush or Floss First? What is the best brushing?


Do you use floss when you brush your teeth?

I use floss before brush my teeth every night. But some people use floss after brush their teeth. Do you think which is better to get rid of bad breath and food wedged?

How many times do you use floss for a day?

Before above question, how many times do you brush your teeth for a day?
Usually, people might brush their teeth twice a day after breakfast and before sleep, but some people clean it three times or once for a day.
One study says that you should use floss at least once every day. It doesn't matter in the morning, afternoon or at night.

Should you floss before or after brushing?

There are many differing theories on this. Some argue that flossing should come first because, when flossing, plaque and bits of food are loosened and should be brushed away after you’ve finished flossing.

Are you cleaning your tongue?

Cleaning your tongue is one of the important to clean your mouth.
After brushing and flossing, you need to remove bad breath on the tongue.

How to properly floss your teeth

The One Minute Flossing Technique

The One Minute Flossing Technique - YouTube

Prevention is the secret to a happy dental life and long term health. Brushing is great but it doesn't remove all the bacterial film between your teeth. Flos...

How to Floss the Right Way

How to Floss the Right Way - YouTube

Here's a demo of proper flossing technique, with Dr. Mark Burhenne. Read more at There's a simple techniq...

How to Floss Correctly

How to Floss Correctly | Tooth Care - YouTube

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