2017年2月8日 Update

☆Fracora Liftest Proteoglycan Serum Made in Japan☆

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Do you have any problem on your skin?

Review Fracora Liftest Hot Cleansing Gel and Proteoglycan Serum - Mety Xiuli (15866)

Do you have any problem on your skin?
If you have an acne trouble, wrinkles, sagging, and black spots, you should use this unique serum as soon as possible.

What ingredients?

Current Favorite & Review: Fracora LIFTest Protegoglycan | One Sunday in May (15871)

This product’s selling point is water soluble proteoglycan, which is extracted from the nose of premium quality salmon from Hokkaido. The brand claims that protegoglycan can hold water better than hyaluronic acid. It supposed to help increase the skin’s collagen and hyaluronic acid level.

How to use

乾燥肌と年齢肌の救世主!?高保水力が魅力のフラコラ『プロテオグリカン原液』効果と口コミレビュー – 美肌パズル | 美肌になる方法&コスメ情報ブログ (15879)

After washing your face, using Fracora LIFTest, and essence, and then other product.
Put this on your palm about the US quarter coin, and apply on your face every morning and night.

How does it work

Pinterest • 世界中のおしゃれアイデアまとめ (15880)

Using this product just for a week, you can feel totally difference on your face.
Your face will be smooth and radiant.
Moreover, your skin troubles, an acne trouble, wrinkles, sagging, and black spots are getting to recover for about for one - two weeks.

There is a size of 15ml and 30ml

ヤフオク! - ビューティー、ヘルスケア - 「フラコラ 美容液」の落札相場 - 新品、中古品(終了分) (15882)

This texture is so liquid

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