Amazing Uses of Baking Soda in Your Beauty Routines


Do you have baking soda in your kitchen?

Baking soda is a multitasking item that can be used in your beauty routine. It is handy alternatives for many different cosmetic items!


Baking soda works as deodorant good for a sensitive skin. It doesn’t make stains on your shirt. Mix with water and make a paste to apply on your underarms.

Teeth Whitening

You can quickly whiten your teeth with baking soda. Put baking soda on a toothbrush and brush your teeth. Rinse and brush your teeth with a toothpaste as usual.

Nail Care

Put some baking soda in warm water. Soak your finger in warm water with baking soda and massage them. It’s a great way to care the cuticles on your nails.


Make body and face scrub with baking soda. It is a natural exfoliant. You can just use baking soda and water, but you can mix with other ingredients that are good for your skin, such as oatmeal. An easy recipe is 3 part of baking soda, 1 part of oatmeal, and 1 part of water.

Remove Blackheads

Mix baking soda and water to create a paste. This paste will unclog your pore and remove blackheads.

Bath Soak

After a long day, relax in a bath with a great detox effects. Put baking soda, sea salt, and your favorite essential oil in a bathtub.

Dry shampoo

Put a pinch of baking soda on the root of your hair and comb. It’s an alternative for a dry shampoo.