Always having trouble with self nail?
Maybe you are making these common mistakes...
Not preparing the surface
Before you paint, you should also swipe clean nails with a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover. "Greasiness from lotion prevents polish from adhering," Jin Soon Choi, owner of Jin Soon Natural spas in New York City, told Good Housekeeping. Polish remover that's pure acetone will get rid of residue faster, but if that's too drying, try a nonacetone remover.
Go to bed after nailpolish
Although nails will appear dry within 20-30 minutes, it actually takes a full 24 hours for nail polish to fully dry. “A super easy trick to help the drying process along is to wait a minute or two for your polish to start setting up, then run very cold water over your hands for about three minutes,” says Candido. “The cold water helps the polish set up faster.” However, she warns, “Be careful to not to run the water directly on the nails as the force of the water may cause the polish to smudge.”
Improper filling
Most women file nails in a sawing motion ‘back and forth’ which is very harmful for nails as it causes splitting and chipping. Instead, you should file your nails in one direction only. It is better to use a soft nail filer rather than the harsh emery board. After applying nail polish, filing the nails for the final time ensures that the color does not chip off in one single block.
Don’t take a hot shower right after you apply nail polish. Don’t take a cold shower after a manicure either because your polish needs time to settle. However, a hot shower is even worse because the steam will cause your nail polish to bubble and smudge. Wait at least 1 full hour before you shower after a manicure.