♡6 How to create a positive thinking mindset♡

A mindset is essentially your emotional response to normal daily activities. This is important for health and quality of life.[1] You may be unable to change your job, your family, where you live, or other major constraints that may underlie negative thinking. But you can approach life’s frustrations with positivity by challenging negative thoughts and improving your outlook on life.


How do you keep your positive mindset?

You need to do and think the following

1.Give Back to Others

Caring and giving back to others is a part of maintaining healthy relationships. When you care for someone you become naturally concerned about their welfare. If you have lost touch with some of your friends or family, try do something nice for them that will make you feel good. When you do something for someone without expecting anything in return, it makes you feel better as a person. Call your grandmother who you haven't spoken to in a while or send your best friend a bunch of flowers for no reason. Doing nice things for people will make you feel happy and appreciated.

2. Appreciate the Little Things

Our lives these days can be so hectic, we are constantly plugged into our phones which are feeding us news from every corner of the globe. This can get overwhelming at times and we may forget what is really important in life. Take the time weekly to slow down, put down your phone, unplug the laptop and go out for a walk. Take everything in, without doing it through your phone screen. Say hi to a stranger, enjoy time with your pet or simply meditate. Doing this a few times a week may help you feel more relaxed and happy.

3. Practice positive imagery

Imagine yourself in successful scenarios with as much detail as possible.[3] Keep the negative thoughts like “I can’t do this” at bay. Instead, focus on how you can do something: “I can finish this project. I will ask for a little help and it will get done.”
When you strive to be confident in your activities and outlook, you will increase your potential for actually achieving your goals.

4. Make a trigger card

Take a note card and write down your two most important goals in the past tense as if you have already accomplished them.

When Jim Carrey was a broke, struggling actor, he took a blank check and made it out to himself. He wrote it in the amount of $1 million. He dated it one year from that moment. Every day, he looked at his “trigger card” and knew that he would achieve his goal. In one year, he was earning more than $1 million.

5. Review Your Life Regularly

Time is so precious, and it seems to be going by faster and faster each year. We may have goals in mind that we would like to achieve, but how often do you sit down and track their progress? Sitting down every few months to track what we are doing in life can be really helpful to see where we are making good progress, and areas that we can improve. This helps us to be real with ourselves and maybe adjust our path’s if what we are doing is not working.

6. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Surrounding yourself with friends, family and people who are positive in general will give you a greater sense of well being. Take the time out of your busy schedule to socialise with your friends, go out and try new things and have fun! Feeling appreciated, loved and laughing helps to keep your mental health in check. Having positive people surrounding you also encourages to strive towards your goals and be the best version of you possible. Remember, if someone isn't making you happy then it may be a ‘friendship’ you don’t really need!