The power of "Polyphenols"


Do you know how much polyphenols you need in your life?

Do you intake polyphenols enough?
When people hear "polyphenol," they will imagine wine and chocolate. Especially, Dark chocolate and red wine contain a lot of polyphenols. But we don't know how much polyphenols we need to intake and what benefits of polyphenols. This article has shown an answer of the above question.

The power of polyphenols

Polyphenols help to protect from some disease, such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart disease and Lung Disease, etc.


Some experts say that ellagic acid will prevent cancers. Many polyphenols contain a rich of ellagic acid.

Heart disease

Polyphenols benefit heart health. Especially green tea might reduce the risk of heart disease.

You can be easy to intake with supplements of polyphenol

The best-recommended supplement is Polyphenoil.

・Naturally supports your health every day
・Enhances energy and supports immune system for your health

・Take two capsules twice a day

Polyphenoil - YouTube