2017年2月25日 Update

Sunscreen causes skin cancer!! What you need to know about sunscreen

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Do you always use sunscreen in summer?

Sunscreens prevent your skin from the sun's UVA and UVB.
You should use sunscreens all year round especially during summer, but some new study shows using sunscreens might cause skin cancer.
We need to know the effect and ingredients about sunscreens.
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500 most popular sunscreen products might cause skin cancer

Some new study shows the 500 most popular sunscreen products might increase malignant cells and cause skin cancer.
Almost sunscreen contain vitamin A.
FDA has known about the dangers of vitamin A.
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Does sunscreen have any other problem?

According to AOL news, other problems with sunscreens include:

The use of the hormone-disrupting chemical oxybenzone, which penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream.

Overstated claims about performance.

The lack of needed regulations and oversight by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Is sunscreen really necessary to you?

Do you need to use sunscreen every day?
The answer is "It depends on where you are."
If you work all day outdoors, and if you have sensitive skin, should use it every day.
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Alternative to sunscreen

There are many kinds of products to block your skin from the sun.
You should use these products alternative sunscreen.

Sunblock hat

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