2017年3月13日 Update

Common Mistakes and How To Use an Eyelash Curler Correctly

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Do you now how to use an eyelash curler?

Many people will say, "yes, of course!" But, you might be making some common mistakes.
Here are tips to use an eyelash curler correctly.

Start with clean lashes

Before you use an eyelash curler, clean up your lashes. It can damage your eyelash curler and it will prevent smooth mascara application.

Don't do it too hard

To protect your lashes and to create smooth curves, don't press the curler too hard. If you use a high quality eyelash curler, it would be easier to get better results.

Mascara after curling

If you don't curl you eyelashes, it would be hard to apply mascara how you want. Think about the shape of mascara applicators, they are usually made for curled lashes.

Clean you eyelash curler

You need to start with clean eyelashes, and an eyelash curler shouldn't be the reason why your eyelashes get dirty. Also, bacteria can grow on a dirty eyelash curler. At least once a week, clean it with rubbing alcohol. Use cotton pad or cotton swab to wipe off.

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