2016年9月18日 Update

☆6 Home remedies for wrinkles☆

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Home Remedies for Wrinkles

22 DIY Home Remedies for Wrinkles (4869)

How to Fight Wrinkles - Home Remedies For Wrinkles

How to Fight Wrinkles - Home Remedies For Wrinkles on Face, Forehead, Neck and Eyes - YouTube

http://homeyog.com/FightWrinkles This video shows how to get rid of wrinkles on face using homemade anti wrinkles cream. Many of the anti-wrinkle treatments ...

1. Olive Oil

» Olive Oil is One of the Safest Oils for Frying and Cooking (4875)

Olive oil is a great massage oil for your skin. It is a good source of antioxidants, like vitamins A and E, which fight skin-damaging free radicals.

Regularly massaging olive oil onto the affected skin area will moisturize, repair and even regenerate skin cells. As the oil penetrates deep into the skin, it provides long-lasting protection and keeps it moisturized.
Another option is to mix a few drops of honey with a few drops of olive oil and glycerin. Massage the mixture into your skin twice daily. This will eliminate dead cells and help tighten sagged skin.
You can also massage your skin with coconut oil, emu oil, almond oil or vitamin E oil to prevent and reduce wrinkles.

2. Banana Mask

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These masks might look ridiculous but they are effective, and that’s what matters, right? Mash one banana up with a teaspoon of plain yogurt and a teaspoon of orange juice and spread the mixture evenly across your face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.

This turns out to be the ultimate vitamin mixture for revitalizing your face: vitamin A causes dark spots and blemishes to fade, vitamin B helps to delay aging and potassium moisturizes your skin cells. Finally, Vitamin E gives your skin an extra layer of protection against free radicals and UV rays.

3. Omega 3 Fats

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Some types of fat are definitely bad for us but omega 3 fats are beneficial in a variety of ways. You can find omega 3 fats in any kind of oily fish like tuna or salmon as well as in many different kinds of seeds such as sunflower seeds and flax seeds. Try incorporating some of both into your diet—fish for dinner two or three times a week and a handful of flax seeds thrown onto every meal—for maximum effect.

While getting omega 3s directly from your diet is the best course of action, omega 3 supplements have also been proven to dramatically reduce signs of aging as well as increase energy levels.

4. Fenugreek

Fenugreek (Methi) — replantable (4884)

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