2017年5月12日 Update

Which is better: Cold water vs. Warm water

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Are you drinking cold water or warm water?

Drinking water gives us a good life and makes the healthy body too. But do you know cold or warm water, which one is better for our health? We need to know when the best time is to achieve optimal hydration.
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When the best time to drink cold water?

During exercise

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When you do a workout or something exercise, your body temperature becomes elevated. So you need to cool down to your body. Therefore, during a workout or exercise, you have to drink cold water.

Weight loss

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Drinking cold water helps burn about 70% calories per day. When you want to lose weight, you should drink cold water much more.

When the best time to drink warm water?


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Some expert says that drinking lukewarm water, such as room temperature water with a squeeze of lemon. This drink helps your body cleansing and the lemon also helps to stimulate digestion and flush toxins.


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