◯△◇Perfect Eyebrows for Each and Any Face Shape◇△◯


Want to get perfect brows??

Check how to shape perfect eyebrows for your face shape!

What shape is your face?

Do you know your face shape?
If not, check this article!

Brows for oval face

The perfect eyebrow shape is widely considered to be the soft angled eyebrow shape. The soft angled shape goes straight up and then gently curves round at the top and down.

Brows for round face

Apply lines that go more up and down the face. This helps draw the eye up and down and lengthens it. Create as high an arch as you can. A high arched brow accomplishes this. Look for a brow shape that follows a straight line to the peak of the brow, and creates more vertical lines. Stay away from a rounded brow shape. This makes a round face look very round.

Brows for long face

Apply straight horizontal lines that stop the eye moving up and down the face. A flat brow shape accomplishes this. Its horizontal shape makes the face appear shorter.

Brows for square face

A thicker stronger color and shape balances a heavier jawline. A defined sharp peak at the top of the brow makes the brow appear stronger. Angled brows create this balance. Also consider the curved brow shape, suggested for diamond face shapes. The curves soften stronger features.

Brows for heart face

The best eyebrow shape for a heart shaped face is rounded. A low arch rounded brow creates a natural look, while a highly arched brow can add length to a shorter heart shaped face or create a dramatic look. The curve of the brow is soft, feminine and attractive and also creates the heart like look of the face.

Brows for diamond face

Curves will both soften your look and make the widest portion of your face look less wide. The curved brow shape does this. Notice that many beautiful celebrities that have a diamond face shape also have curved brows. A second popular choice are the round brow stencils - also suggested for the heart face shape.

Still not sure about the shape?

Here are the steps to get the perfect eyebrows for any face shape!

1. The head of the brow should begin at the bridge of your nose. “This point can be easily found by vertically holding a pencil up to either side of your nose bone.”
2. The arch of your eyebrows should be about two-thirds of the way out, Healy says. “One of the biggest mistakes I see day to day is a centered arch. This gives the dreaded ‘rainbow’ shape!”

3. Don’t cut your brows short. “The tail should, at the very least, end on an imaginary line from the corner of the nose to the corner of the eye,” Healy says. “You can allow it to extend slightly further as long as that tail doesn’t end lower than where the head begins (this can make the eyes look droopy). Make sure your tails always taper to a crisp point to best lift the eye.”