Your Skin is So Dry Even in Hot Days? Foundation Tips for Dry Skin!


You skin is still dry in summer?

Many people have problem with oily skin in hot days, but dry skin can be a problem, too. Especially if you are in the area with dry air in summer, you need to know how to keep your skin hydrated under foundation.

Moisturize every night

Don't forget skincare at night. Washing face is important and moisturize your skin is, too. Use overnight moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated when starting a new day.

Moisturize in the morning

Get a lighter moisturizer to use before putting the makeup on every morning. It is good to use light moisturizer, because you don't want to have your skin wet before applying foundation.


Use primer to seal the skin hydrated. It might be hard to find a primer for dry skin, but if you find one , you might want to try that to see if it helps you.

BB Cream with SPF

We cannot forget about sunscreen in summer. You can either use moisturizing sunscreen or BB cream with SPF. BB cream is good because it also nourish the skin.

Setting spray

To seal the finished look, don't forget to finish with setting spray. It will prevent the makeup from melting with sweat, and keep the skin hydrated under the makeup.

Facial spray

Find hydrating facial spray to give you nice mist to moisturize the skin. It is refreshing, too!

Skincare is important, too

To improve dry skin, skincare, healthy eating, and enough sleep are important. You can cover some with makeup, but don't forget to take care of your skin makeup off, too.