2016年12月23日 Update

DIY Beauty Projects to Try on Weekends!

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4 teaspoons avocado oil
2 teaspoons calendula oil
2 teaspoons rosehip oil
½ teaspoon cornstarch or corn flour (the white one)
2 teaspoons melted beeswax (or 10g/0.3oz)
1 vitamin E capsule
3 drops lemon essential oil

- Using a double boiler or a stainless steel bowl sitting in a pan. Allow the water in the saucepan or base of the double to boil gently.
- Add all the ingredients, except for vitamin E and essential, to the stainless steel bowl (or top of the double boiler) and stir gently, ideally with a whisk, until well and truly melted.
- Take off the heat and off the water.
- Stir in essential oil and vitamin E.
- Pour into sterile jars.
- Put the lids on once the cream is set and cool.

Here are some simple ones in pictures!




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