6 DIY Beauty Treatments Using Lemons

We all know that lemon is good for our health. Let's start some DIY beauty treatments using lemons.


How do you usually use lemons?

We all know that lemon is good for our health. Let's start some DIY beauty treatments using lemons.

1. Nail Care

Combine three tablespoons of olive oil with one tablespoon of lemon juice to create a mixture that will condition and make nails appear brighter. The acid from the lemon helps clear up any buildup on the nails, leaving them whiter. And the olive oil hydrates.

2. Facial Mask

Mix one tablespoon of organic raw honey and half a squeezed lemon in to a bowl and apply all over your face, avoiding the eye area.

What you’ll need:
½ Organic Lemon
1 tbsp. Organic Raw Honey
Mixing Bowl
you can make your own blackhead busting version with just two ingredients: honey and, of course, lemons. Chill out for 15-30 minutes while your skin soaks up all the good stuff (antioxidants galore!).

3. Lip care

2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 Tablespoon grated beeswax
1 Teaspoon honey
10-15 drops essential oil, my favorites are lemon and grapefruit

Heat the coconut oil, beeswax, and honey over low heat in a small saucepan.
When the wax is fully dissolved, remove from heat. Place the saucepan over a small ice bath and whisk until the lip gloss is emulsified and set, (about 1 minute).
Add your choice of essential oil, and whisk to combine.
Transfer to a clean container and use within 6 months.

4. Foot soak

In a container large enough for your feet, combine about 10 cups of hot water, 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 a cup of salt, and 2 fresh squeezed lemons.
Soak your feet for about 15 minutes; then pat dry, and use a pumice stone to slough off any dead skin.

5. Body, face, and nail scrub

What you’ll need:
1/2 lemon juice
1/2 cup of sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon honey

Whisk together all the liquid ingredients until the mixture has a thick consistency. Add sugar and mix with a spoon. You can add more or less sugar according on how thick you want your scrub to be.

6. Scalp care

A mixture of water, ginger root, lemon juice, and olive oil can help slow down cell turnover and decrease the amount of skin shedding from your scalp. Pour the treatment all over and let it dry before you shampoo it out.

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