2016年8月18日 Update

Best and Worst Drinks For Cellulite You Need to Know

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Drinking 3 litres of water a day helps flush toxins that contribute to cellulite build up as well as speed up your metabolism for increased fat loss
Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea contains amazing antioxidants which can help keep your body healthy, preventing cellulite before it starts. Some studies have found that it can raise your metabolism, reducing fat stores. Weight loss is one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite are pockets of fat that are unevenly placed, so eliminating the fat will deplete the pockets, smoothing out your body. Drink green tea through the day to experience the most benefits.
Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea

The active ingredient Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, in green, dandelion and ginger teas, speeds up metabolism and increases fat burn, says Dr. Shemek. That stops the expansion of fat cells that cause cellulite. Also, tea's small amount of caffeine works with EGCG to flush out toxins and dehydrate fat, which minimizes fat cells pushing against skin and reduces puckering, says Karlene Karst, a registered dietitian in Vancouver.

If you want alcohol... pick red wine!

Red Wine

Red Wine

Red wine contains resveratrol, which some people believe can have anti-aging benefits. Unfortunately many of the studies on this compound have been retracted after research misconduct. There are new studies looking at resveratrol and its possible estrogen lowering abilities. This compound is found in the skin of grapes, with the highest natural amount in red wine. You can find resveratrol supplements for higher concentrations than you can consume.

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