2016年9月29日 Update

Is Your Hair Healthy? How to Check Your Hair Condition

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How is your hair condition?


Even if you think your hair condition is not so bad, you might need to have some hair care.
These test will tell is your hair is healthy.

Before starting the test, do you know what hair porosity is?


Porosity refers to how well your hair is able to absorb and hold moisture. It is affected by the flexible outer hair layer called the cuticle, which determines how easily moisture and oils pass in and out of your hair. For most, porosity is genetic, but it can also be affected by external factors such as exposure, heat treatments and chemical processing. Knowing your hair's porosity can help you choose the right products to keep your hair well-moisturized, supple, strong and shiny.

The Sink Test


Prepare a glass of water!

Pluck a clean strand and drop it in an eight-ounce glass of water. If it floats, your hair is in good condition. If it sinks, you've got "high porosity" issues. The reason it plunges is because water is able to push through the cuticle, leading to frizz and quickly fading color (color molecules escape more quickly from porous strands). To combat this, use a weekly hydrating mask with amino and fatty lipids, which will bolster your hair's outer layers, keeping your strands smooth and your shade on lockdown.

The Slip'n'Slide Test


Take a strand of hair and slide your fingers up the shaft (toward the scalp). If you feel little bumps along the way, this means that your cuticle is lifted and that you have high porosity. If your fingers slip smoothly, then you have low porosity hair.

The Tug Test

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