How to clean your makeup brushes with "Olive oil" and "Antibacterial Soap"


Using Antibacterial Soap and Olive Oil to Cleanse Your Brushes is An Excellent Way

Step 1: Mix antibacterial dish soap and extra-virgin olive oil on a clean plate

Don't use a paper plate, as the oil will seep through.

Step 2: Grab your first brush and wet it slightly with lukewarm water

Step 3: Dip the damp brush into the soap mixture and coat it thoroughly

Step 4 : Work the mixture into the bristles using the palm of your hand and fingers

Step 5 : Rinse the brushes under lukewarm water until no soap runs from the bristles

Step 6: Roll a dish towel like you would a yoga mat

The paper towel should look like a slide coming down from the dish towel.